Sissy Maker Deluxe
an erotic interactive novel
Release 3.1.02024-10-31
New Features
– 53 new CGs
– 7 new events
– 1 new characters (total 6 character expressions)
Release 3.0.12024-07-31
Breaking change: Since the majority of the game has been reworked in this update, old saves are no longer compatible.
New Features
– 7 new CGs
– 8 new events
– 4 new characters (total 24 character expressions)
– All writing has been rewritten
– The map has been updated
– Game engine has been rewritten
– Quests and points of interest are now listed on the left and also marked on the map.
– Added lots of scene effects in important scenes
– Most music and sound effects have been updated
Release 2.3.92023-11-11
New Features
10 new CGs
1 new event
Release 2.3.02023-10-19
New Features
18 new CGs and 3 new events
3 sexy events
Updates and fixes
Fixed a crash happened when failed to load audio SFX.
Release 2.2.02023-09-22
New Features
17 new CGs and 4 new events
4 sexy events
Release 2.1.02023-08-22
New Features
17 new CGs and 7 new events
3 sexy events
1 new background with 3 variations
Updates and fixes
Fixed a visual bug in some situations where the album shows a wrong number of unlocked CGs.
Release 2.0.02023-07-25
New Features
14 new CGs and 6 new events
3 sexy events
Updates and fixes
Fixed a bug where the game may get stuck during an event with Erica
Release 1.9.02023-06-30
New Features
17 new CGs and 3 new events
3 new backgrounds with 3 variations for each
3 sexy events
Release 1.8.02023-04-26
New Features
28 new CGs and 9 new events
4 sexy events
sound effects and character expressions
Release 1.7.02023-03-29
New Features
18 new CGs and 9 new events
3 sexy events
Updates and fixes
Some small bug fixes
Release 1.6.02023-02-28
New Features
9 new CGs and 3 new events
3 new characters and 24 new expressions
1 location and 3 new BGs
Some new music and effects
Updates and fixes
Some small bug fixes
Release 1.5.02022-12-20
New Features
15 new CGs and 3 new envets
4 new characters and 24 new expressions
Updates and fixes
Some minor visual improvements for the bio screen
Some sprites updated
Release 1.4.02022-11-20
New Features
“Cinema” – replay all main sexy events.
8 new CGs and 3 new envets
3 new characters and 18 new expressions
Updates and fixes
Some visual and writing improvements
“open hours” for various places
Release 1.3.22022-09-19
Updates and fixes
Performance improvement and some bug fixes
Release 1.3.02022-09-16
New Features
57 CGs
10 new characters and 60 new expressions
10 Sexy Events
10 new locations and backgrounds
map remake with new locations
new music and effects
Release 1.2.02022-05-30
New Features
16 CGs
8 Events
3 sex events
~5000 words
new music, ambient sound and sound effects
updated character bio
side events route system
Release 1.1.02022-04-02
New Features
16 CGs
2 Events
1 sex event
1 Character and 8 expressions
~4000 words
new music and sound effects
Updates and fixes
Lots of Fixes and some writings and scenes are rewritten from the first release
Some structure and systematic improvements behind the scenes
Release 1.0.02021-10-28
New Features
56 CGs
3 Places and their BGs
Lots of events and choice options
Over 5 sex events
4 Characters and 20 expressions
Over 30K words added
Courses system
Day and night cycle
staying and resting
team up with james or travel alone
new items, music, sound effects, and visual effects
Updates and fixes
Smoother transitions throughout the game
Tons of visual and menu updates
highlight all objects on screen in look around area
Some parts of the engine are rewritten
Tons of bug fixes
Demo Version 0.2.0
April 30, 2021
Nickname Signup
Enter a friendly** nickname to be displayed in the credits in game, as long as you keep your subscription.
From the download section above, simply click the “unlock with patreon” button. From there, you can make a pledge amount for at least $5 USD to gain access to the game. If you are already a patron, you can simply login and don’t need to pay again.
* If you already logged in, and you have a pledge amount for at least $5 USD, try to refresh the page and also make sure you login with the correct patreon account. You can do so by logging out (from the top right corner where it says “howdy, USERNAME”) and logging in with the correct patreon account again.
Your downloadable link will be expired in 20 minutes. Try to refresh the page and get a new link after it expires.
This is a common issue on some old macOS. You can try to update to the latest macOS.
This issue can be resolved by moving the game out of the zip folder first before opening.
You can freely pick your desired nickname to be displayed in the game credit; however, any offensive or inappropriate names will be removed without further notice.
Sissy Maker Classic is a prequel of Sissy Maker Deluxe. It’s not in active development anymore, but you can still download it on https://classic.sissymakergame.com/